SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Dies) is a system for dramatically reducing the time it takes to complete equipment changeovers. It is a set of technique which use to perform a setting or set up change over with in 10 minute as name suggest.

A successful SMED program will have the following benefits:

– Produce smaller lots more frequently
– Develop a broader range of parts
– Drive quality defects to ZERO
– Lower manufacturing cost (faster changeovers mean less equipment downtime)
– Lower inventory levels

Steps involved in SMED

 Observe the changeover process

Using videotaping process changeover will be recorded and it will be helpful so that the team can review the elements multiple times. Measure each element of the changeover.

 Separate internal from external setup operation

Clearly identify those elements that can be accomplished only when the machine is shut down and use checklists and notes to take down list of tools , dies which causes more changeover .Write down both internal and external setup tools .
External operation will be like Inspection (Inspection of parts, tools, and/or materials), Cleaning (Cleaning tasks that can be performed while the process is running), and Quality (Quality checks for the last production run).

 Convert internal to external operation
Re-examine operations to ensure they are correctly identified as Internal or External .Find ways to convert Internal to External Elements

– Advance Preparation-ie.,preheating die, getting ready for the changeover, collecting a necessity tools
– Modularize equipment , modularized jigs and fixture
– Insure material is at the correct location and the right type

 Streamline the other elements
In this step, the remaining elements are reviewed with an eye towards streamlining and simplifying so they can be completed in less time. First priority should be given to internal elements to support the primary goal of shortening the changeover time.
– Eliminate adjustments
– Eliminate bolts
– Eliminate motion
– Eliminate waiting
– Create parallel operations

 Adopt the parallel process
Two people that perform operations simultaneously can reduce waste of movement and it increase the rate of operation of a machine. Parallel operations can reduce setup times by more than 50%.

 Standardize
Once the change over time is reduce to significant level, document the same procedure and educate the same procedure with the team members. For better understanding use videotaping to record the new state off set up procedure and educate the team members

click this link for E-book to get more idea

One Point Info:

ï‚· EXTERNAL SETUP: Work done while the machine is running
ï‚· INTERNAL SETUP : Work done while the machine is not running
ï‚· SETUP TIME: Elapsed time from the last good unit of one production run to the first good unit of the next production run.

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