After life is british web series directed by Ricky Garvais and it seamed in netflix .After life has two seasons with 6 episodes on each . First episode got premium on 8 march 2019 and the second episode 6 may.Generally Ricky Gervais Who is known for his performance in Hollywood and UK movies he is one of an actor to connect emotionally in screen with audience.He is also won 3 Oscars for his performances.
Story plot
Afterlife is a one of web series which revolves around day to day life of a person whose name is Tony Johnson Who lost his wife ( due to the breast cancer and then he is also struggling and he like to end up his life but everyday is moving forward with some of a task and Everyone around him making every day and every second have better place to live.
The first season revolves around the Introduction to Tony Johnson lifestyle and his job in in local publishing newspaper in UK a and its job on interviewing the celebrity in the local streets and publishing new about them in news ,and his visit to home age to visit his father who is sick and he is monitored by the Nurse(Ashley Jensen ) and whose turn out to be affair in a later part.
In second season Begins with where the nurse(Ashley Jensen) is rejected his proposal and the same network activities in the local publishing newspaper in UK.And in one day his father dies in sleep and then Tony Johnson has decided to end up his life due to absence of his father and his wife and and sudden unexpected changeovers comes up.
The story plot revolves around life and life event of Tony johnson.with some drak comedy scence around

Story |
Good story plot
Screen play |
Very well narrated , since it is darma type you wont feel bored
Every character supported the story very well
Not bad
Production value
Over all good watchable webseries for this week end
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